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Meehan Praises Bipartisan Transportation and Student Loan Agreement

Says the bill will “protect students” and “help ensure a safe, modern and efficient transportation system”

WASHINGTON – U.S. Rep. Patrick Meehan (PA-07) today issued the following statement regarding House passage of the transportation policy bill, which also includes reforms to stop student loan interest rates from doubling:

“Although it is not a perfect bill, it makes important and much-needed investments to our roads, bridges and mass transit systems. With Pennsylvania being home to more structurally deficient bridges than any other state in the country, we need to kick-start projects to make our highways safer and put people back to work.

“A longer-term bill like most of my colleagues sought would have provided more certainty for states to better prioritize infrastructure investments, but this two-year policy is a good start and will help ensure a safe, modern and efficient transportation system. And it does so without adding to the deficit.

“The legislation also protects college students from facing higher college loan interest rates, and it cuts Washington red-tape that placed onerous requirements on how businesses finance pension plans. This bill frees up private resources to put into job creation and investment while still protecting worker pensions. This bipartisan change will directly help employers and workers in the 7th district and I’m pleased we were able to get this done.”
