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Meehan Hosts Discussion with Local Builders

At project site in Springfield, Meehan discusses regulatory and financial challenges facing home builders

Springfield, PA – U.S. Rep. Patrick Meehan (PA-07) met with several local home builders to discuss regulatory and financial challenges facing the industry and the importance of the housing market to the economic recovery. The meeting took place at a Moser Builders project site in Springfield.

“The housing industry is critical to our nation’s economic recovery,” said Meehan. “A strong industry creates jobs, spurs economic growth and provides new housing opportunities. That is why it is important that we focus on ways the federal government can help – not hinder – the housing industry.”


One of the most concerning issues facing home builders as well as other manufacturing sectors is the ever-changing regulatory compliance enforced by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The builders told Meehan they need consistent EPA guidelines.

“With changing EPA guidelines requiring more open space and increased stormwater compliance on already compliant lots, builders are sometimes forced to reduce the number of homes in their projects,” said Ted Moser, owner of Moser Builders. “This affects the loan-to-value ratio on development projects, and could potentially force local builders like me to close their doors when they can no longer meet the terms of their loans. EPA regulations that require unexpected, costly improvements are actually costing us jobs when our country needs them most.”

“There is no question that regulatory compliance and a robust housing industry can co-exist,” said Meehan. “It is a matter of achieving the balance between responsible developing and sensible environmental regulations.”

According to the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), building 100 single-family homes in a typical metropolitan area will result in 324 new local jobs, $21.1 million in local income, and $2.2 million in taxes and other revenue for local governments.
