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Meehan Honored for Work to Protect Pennsylvania Small Businesses

NFIB names Meehan “Guardian of Small Business”

WASHINGTON – U.S. Rep. Patrick Meehan (PA-07) was named a Guardian of Small Business by the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) for his leadership on behalf of Pennsylvania’s small businesses.

Rep. Meehan (right) accepts the Guardian of Small Business award from NFIB President and CEO Dan Danner (left)

“Small businesses and their workers are the backbone of our economy, having created 64 percent of all new jobs in the last 15 years,” said Meehan. “I’m honored to receive this recognition and will continue my work to protect small businesses and help them grow and create new jobs.”

“In the 112th Congress, Rep. Meehan proved that he is a champion of small business,” said NFIB President and CEO Dan Danner. “The Guardian of Small Business Award is a legislative award given to U.S. Representatives and Senators who vote to promote and protect the right of small-business owners to own, operate and grow their businesses.”

Throughout his time in Congress, Meehan has fought for small businesses. Earlier this summer, Meehan visited several small businesses across the 7th district to discuss how tax increases slated to take effect in January would harm their business and stifle job creation as part of Stop the Tax Hike Day.

In April, Meehan hosted a roundtable discussion with a group of small business women from around the region to listen to the issues they are facing as small business owners.

Meehan helped to pass the Small Business Tax Cut Act of 2012, a bill to help small business owners retain more capital, invest in their businesses and create more jobs. Many of the 228,000 small businesses in Pennsylvania that employ over 2.4 million people across the Commonwealth will directly benefit from this legislation.

NFIB also praised Meehan for his strong record of voting to protect small businesses including a vote to repeal the onerous 1099 reporting requirement included in the health care law, and his vote to repeal the medical device tax, a 2.3 percent excise tax on the sale of all medical devices which would have increased health care costs, cost Pennsylvania jobs, and lessen investments in research and development. Pennsylvania is home to 600 medical device companies that employ more than 20,000 people.
