Rebuilding Our Economy PDF Print
Rebuilding the Economy

Spotlight on the Economy

Soon after Congress passed and President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, Rep. Welch compiled this guide to help Vermont communities, businesses and individuals request stimulus funding. To track stimulus funding directed to Vermont communities, visit the federal recovery web site and the state’s Office of Economic Stimulus and Recovery.

"Not since the Great Depression has our economy experienced as precipitous and severe a decline as it did in the fall of 2008. The aftermath will be felt for years to come and our road to recovery will be long. My top priority in Congress is to mitigate the economic impact on Vermont families and businesses, help them regain their footing and provide them with the tools they need to recover and succeed. While the causes of this recession were myriad, there is much Congress can do to reform our financial system, restore the oversight that has been lacking for too long, and prevent the abuses that caused this collapse from ever happening again."







Rep. Welch's Recent Work on the Economy

Roll Call: 'Tea Party Conservative, Liberal Team Up in New Efficiency Caucus'

December 11, 2012

A tea party conservative and Northeastern liberal teamed up last week to give energy efficiency efforts a symbolic push in the House by creating a new bipartisan caucus focused on increasing the federal government's use of private contractors that specialize in reduced energy use at public buildings.

Launched by Cory Gardner, R-Colo., and Peter Welch, D-Vt., the 10-member caucus aims to expand the use of energy-saving perform... Read More

Rutland Herald: 'Vermont way making a difference in Washington'

December 11, 2012

Vermont's congressman is hoping the Vermont way can restore trust in Washington and help local businesses compete with Internet vendors.

Rep. Peter Welch told Springfield Rotarians on Monday that gridlock continues on Capitol Hill. Republicans and Democrats are gearing up for the 113th session of the U.S. Congress next month and finding common ground is taking a back seat to partisan bickering.

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Southern Vermont receives $470,000 to bolster long-term recovery efforts following Irene

December 11, 2012

The Windham Regional Commission and the Bennington County Regional Commission will receive $470,000 in Economic Development Administration (EDA) funds to bolster long-term recovery efforts in southern Vermont following Tropical Storm Irene, Vermont's congressional delegation announced today.

The funds will be used by the regional planning commissions to expand the capacity of public officials and economic development organiza... Read More

Politico: 'Gardner, Welch hope to build bipartisanship on energy efficiency successes'

December 6, 2012

Reps. Cory Gardner and Peter Welch are angling to make efficiency an area of compromise in a deeply divided Congress that has struggled to produce new energy laws.

The freshman Colorado Republican — who has often been the face of the House GOP on energy strategy this Congress — and the liberal Vermont Democrat Wednesday officially announced the creation of a Bipartisan Energy Savings Performance Caucus, targeting an issue... Read More

Welch, Gardner Announce Creation of Bipartisan Energy Efficiency Caucus

December 6, 2012

U.S. Representatives Peter Welch (D-VT) Cory Gardner (R-CO) today announced the roll out of a bipartisan caucus that will focus on promoting performance contracting in government buildings across the country and thereby provide guaranteed energy savings to American taxpayers.

“The goal of our caucus is going to be pushing for policies that reduce energy costs, cut pollution, and create jobs,” Gardner and Welch said in a j... Read More

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