Scalise "sacked czars" amendment included in final 2011 appropriations bill

Apr 14, 2011

Washington, DC -- An amendment spearheaded by Congressman Steve Scalise sacking four of President Obama’s most radical czars has been included in the Continuing Resolution for the remainder of FY 2011 which will be considered by the House and Senate by the end of the week before heading to the President to be signed into law.  Scalise’s amendment originally passed on February 17, 2011 with strong bipartisan support. 

            “This amendment repeals the funding of President Obama’s most radical czars, and is a major victory for the American people who have demanded accountability in government and want to put a stop to the proliferation of radical czars,” Scalise said.  “I am glad we have been successful at reining in this practice by President Obama of creating a shadow government run by czars with cabinet-level powers who circumvent the accountability and scrutiny that comes with Senate confirmation required by the Constitution.  Hardworking American families should not be forced to pay millions of dollars to fund these czars who are implementing radical policies under the cloak of darkness rather than going through the open and transparent process that we were promised.”

            The amendment (Section 2262 of HR 1473) specifically prohibits funds from being directed toward the positions of:
• Health Care Czar (White House Office of Health Reform)
• Car Czar (Senior Advisory to the Secretary of the Treasury Assigned to the presidential Task Force on the Auto Industry)
• Urban Affairs Czar (White House Director of Urban Affairs)
• Climate Change Czar (Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change).

            In January, Scalise re-introduced the Sunset All Czars Act, H.R. 59, which requires Senate confirmation of czars holding similar authority and power as cabinet officials but who have not undergone the same confirmation process.  H.R 59 has 51 cosponsors.


Contact: Stephen Bell