
Jul 11, 2012

#ObamaCareCaptionContest – “It only took 15 minutes to pass ObamaCare, but…”

Today, House Republicans will vote to repealObamaCare.

Throughout the day, House Republicans will be posting to Facebook and tweeting out graphics describing the negative impacts ObamaCare is having on American families and small businesses.

Click here to see a few of the one's we've come up with so far.

We’re inviting you to join in.

The idea is simple. Tweet using #ObamaCareCaptionContest and fill in the blanks: "It only took 15 minutes to pass ObamaCare, BUT _______________ ." If you prefer, you can submit on Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy’s Facebook page here.

We'll collect submissions until Sunday at 11:59PM and then post graphics with the best submissions next week.