U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski
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U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski

U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski
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  1. introduce legislation to reinstate the assault weapons ban, next week while this remains fresh. When the Repubs oppose make it public, prominent, put them on the evening news defending assault weapons. It will be another nail in their coffin. Sooner or later we will get reasonable gun control, but how many have to die until then.
  2. Why is it that the first thing you blame is the gun not the fact that there was an idiot behind it. Maybe if we let good standing citizens of America carry weapons lives could have been saved in many of these senseless acts.
  3. Senator, while I applaud your call to Congress to introduce gun control legislation, you cannot stop there. These monstrous crimes this year have been committed by people, people with clear mental health issues, some of whom were open about their intentions. There is more that must be done to help stop this epidemic of crimes against innocent bystanders. As a national imperative, please help to...
    spark the debate and introduce legislation that not only expands access to mental health services, but compels mental health professionals to report individuals whom they suspect may be dangerous, and enables the courts to remove these individuals from society at large until they are no longer a danger to others. Without these changes, while we may constrain some ability of these individuals to obtain weapons, we will not see the end of the violence. Please, help to answer this complex question with comprehensive resolutions.
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  4. If not now, then when is the right time to focus on gun control? How many more of our children must be slaughtered before it's the right time?While you're at it, how about working to address mental illness in this country? It's time for our government to work. This is not a game, these are real people's lives. We need our Congress to address issues and stop playing politics!
  5. Sen. Barb please lead the charge for sensible gun control
  6. Senator Mikulski,
    As a middle schooler, I was in constant code red because of the sniper shootings, and today is a grave reminder that there is still so much to be done. We must address these shootings in legislation now. Fight for the safety and security of Marylanders and Americans everywhere.
    Thank you,
  7. What has happened to the medical research funding? The medical labs are falling like dominoes at UPenn because their funding has been cancelled. If we can't find the cause of diseases how can we cure them?
  8. Thank you Senator for your commitment to oppose any benefit cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. Keep up the great work. I have your back!
  9. President Obama is responsible for the fiscal cliff for failing to make the Bush Tax Cuts permanent for all! #ObamaCliff2K on Twitter
  10. Senator Mikulski, please support the efforts to regulate and tax internet poker in the lame duck session. This could be a valuable additional source of revenue for our country and would protect minors and problem gamblers through additional controls and regulation on participation. Prohibition does not work, and never will. Poker is a true American pastime with a distinguished history. Presidents from Lincoln through our current president have all played poker and playing poker online should not be a crime.

    Best Regards,
    Greg Jones (North Bethesda, MD)
  11. Dear Senator Mikulski, I would like to urge you to support and pass the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) visa bill. There is great demand for advanced STEM graduates to create a successful 21st Century economy and this is one of the few areas of broad bipartisan agreement in Washington. The U.S. offers foreign students a world-class higher-education where they receive advanced...
    STEM skills needed to create new technologies and businesses in a growth and innovation economy. Our current immigration policies unfortunately encourage STEM talent from the education students received here to benefit other countries. STEM visas will help improve American competitiveness and the Senate’s action to block the bill hurts job creators and our economy.
    John Craighead, Ph.D.
    Rockville, MD
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  12. The fight between the gvt and realtors goes on...hopefully gvt can extend thie act to help lots of homeowners who are underwater.
  13. answer me this: who is responsible for sendin billions of aide to Egypt?
  14. President Obama, you stated back in 2008 that raising taxes on anyone during a recession was wrong. You stated that Bush taking a credit card from the Bank of China to pay for $4 trillion in debt was irresponsible and unpatriotic. Yet, y...
    ou've added some $6 trillion in 3 years as opposed to Bush's $4 trillion in 8 years to our national debt. The Bush Tax Cuts should be made permanent for EVERYONE to provide certainty in the economy to produce growth and jobs. Allowing the Bush Tax Cuts to expire on those making $200K for singles and $250K for couples will only raise about $80 billion per year and fund the federal government for 8 days! Raising taxes on small businesses who create jobs will force them to not create jobs and layoff more people. The recent 7.7% unemployment rate is the result of more people leaving the workforce who have given up and the thousands of layoffs that have occurred because of the requirements of ObamaCare. The American people reelected the Republicans in Congress to hold the line on spending and taxation. Our deficit is driven by 2/3rds of the budget for entitlements that will bankrupt the United States just like Greece. President Obama, your request to usurp the House's power of the purse to raise the debt ceiling whenever you like is UNCONSTITUTIONAL! The House has the power of the purse and not the Executive Branch. President Obama, stop playing this political game of chicken in trying to force Republicans to go against their principles and raise taxes on the job creators. Tax and entitlement reform will cause growth in our economy and will spur economic growth from which the federal government would receive more tax revenue than if they just raised taxes on the top 2%. President Obama, I hold you and the Democrats in Congress personally responsible for us going over the fiscal cliff and raising my taxes by some $200 per month, which means I will spend less and the economy will go into a recession. President Obama, if you cared about the middle class and the poor, you'd extend all Bush Tax Cuts for another year to give the new Congress the time to work out a balanced deal of tax and entitlement reform to save Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid from going bankrupt. It is the height of hypocrisy for you to incur $4 million in cost to the American taxpayer while you jet off to HI for vacation while the fiscal cliff looms for the rest of us! Here is what you stated back in 2008 about the Bank of China and Bush. http://youtu.be/1kuTG19Cu_Q
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  15. Representative Hoyer and Senator Mikulski, what Democrats must do is deal with entitlement and tax reform before the United States goes bankrupt! President Obama himself stated in 2008 that raising taxes during a recession is bad and raising them now will create another recession. The Bush Tax Cuts should be made permanent for EVERYONE to create stability in the economy! Allowing the Bush Tax C...
    uts to expire on people making more than $200K for singles and $250K for couples will only raise about $80 billion per year and will only fund the government for 8 days! 2/3rds of the federal budget is from entitlements that are driving the deficit! Democrats have not passed a budget in the Senate since President Obama took office! Democrats in the Senate have not allowed any budget or jobs bill from the House to be debated and voted up or down on! It is the Democrats in the House and Senate who need to get SERIOUS about avoiding the fiscal cliff! There have been THOUSANDS of layoffs since President Obama was reelected, meaning they have left the work force and are unemployed. This 7.7% number is suspect because with that many layoffs, the unemployment rate would rise, unless more people have now left the workforce because they gave up looking for a job. Posting the unemployment number from the Department of Labor is MEANINGLESS unless you also post the number of layoffs that have occurred and the number of people who have left the workforce, so that an ACCURATE unemployment number can be known.
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  16. Thanks for supporting S. 1947 (the Animal Fighting Spectator Prohibition Act).
  17. FEMAs refusal to help Crisfield is a travesty and you need to rectify the situation
  18. I hope you will oppose the "farmer assurance provision", section 733, currently included in the House Fiscal Year 2013 Agriculture Appropriations bill. It is an industry ploy to continue to plant GMO crops even when a court of law has found they were approved illegally.
  19. Medicare is solvent for 12 more years.
    3 more presidential terms.
    6 more House terms.
    Social Security is solvent for 24 - 29 more years.
    6 - 7 more presidential terms.

    12 - 14 more House terms.
    Why do we need "to get serious about entitlements NOW"?
    We didn't get into this situation over a short term, why do we need to "fix it now"?
    Social Security is NOT, never has been, part of the debt/...
    The proposals all call for cutting benefits NOW because we "don't want to cut benefits in the future".
    Is this a joke?
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  20. Cindy Stickline-Roseposted toU.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski
    Please explain your yea vote on the UN Treaty on Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Your constituents have a right to know why you were so willing to sign away our rights as parents over to the United Nations.
  21. Anastasia Dominguezposted toU.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski
    Dear Senator, VOTE NO on CRPD! Please!!!!!
  22. I urge you to vote NO on CRPD! In Maryland we have thousands of homeschool families, and this infringes on our rights. Please listen to your constituents, Senator Mikulski.
  23. Please vote to reject CRPD.
  24. i URGE you vote NO on the U.N Treaty on Disabled Children today!! -Baltimore, MD
  25. Is it state or federal policy that rewards judges with money in their retirement funds - even though they fail to follow the law in the removal of a child from their parent's custody? State or federal? I truly want to know where it starts - given that of course the judges will line their retirement funds regardless of the fact that it is destroying the child's life - plus defrauding the tax payer...all for the almighty dollar.. it's time to stop the incentives to steal children.... Please address this problem - too many children have had their lives destroyed - for the money...
  26. I love your comment on Twitter. "Need a more frugal gov that will reduce deficit & debt, but only things that caused debt & deficit shld be on the table." Yes.
  27. Thank you for all that you do and have done in the past. I am writing to ask that you consider giving your support to Senator-elect Elizabeth Warren's efforts to be placed on the Senate Banking Committee. She has so many qualifications, among them she is a bankruptcy law expert and the architect of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Thank you.
  28. Please vote NO on the UN CRPD. It takes away all our rights as parents!!
  29. Just wanted to put in a good word for ratifying the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (CRPD).
  30. RE: Ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

    Hello, my name is Randy Murbach (Deaf).

    I stand with the National Association of the Deaf, among several other organizations and advocates, in my strong support of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. I am writing to you today to urge you to support the ratification of the CRPD. As your constituent, I request that you vote for the ratification of the CRPD when it comes to a vote on the floor of the Senate.

    Thank you!
  31. Please vote for UN disablies right tomorrow for pass. Sam in
    Silver Spring, MD
  32. I can post this to Obamas page so im doing it here....... Obama said that he could not guarantee SS checks if the debt ceiling isnt raised..... Why is it the scare is always SS our soldiers pay and medicare??? Why not cut YOUR pay HIS pay (maybe a few less vacations, yes the public notices). Hold the pay checks of all House and Senate members, Cut congress pay, when the founding fathers put this i...
    nto action it was meant to be a temp possition, after which you go HOME TO YOUR REAL JOBS. So your gross abusue of your postions can no longer be a burden on the common people. Lets take your money away and then see how long it takes for you to resolve this mess. Why dont you walk a mile in the peoples shoes.
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  33. Stop taxing and Spending, get back to Simpson Boyles instead of this ridiculous new offer by our President to raise taxes, raise spending, and pass another failing stimulus package.
  34. Mike Trantham shared Being Liberal's photo.
    (M) I wish we'd done the same. Thanks to US Uncut for sharing this.

    Posted on the Being Liberal fan page.
    Photo: (M) I wish we'd done the same. Thanks to US Uncut for sharing this.

Posted on the Being Liberal fan page.
  35. I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.
  36. Men of genius are admired, men of wealth are envied, men of power are feared; but only men of character are trusted.
  37. UN CRPD -- Please vote NO!!
  38. I live in Rockville, and I am asking you to support the President in whatever way you can the next few weeks.

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