Obamacare: Two Years Later, It's Making Things Worse

During the debate over Obamacare, Democrats and the president claimed that the law would lower health care costs, create hundreds of thousands of jobs, protect Medicare, and allow Americans to keep their health care plans.  Two years later, it's clear that not one of those promises will be kept.  Instead, the health care law will drive up families' premiums by more than $2,000, force cash-strapped state governments to shoulder more than $100 billion in new Medicaid costs, take more than half a trillion dollars from Medicare, and encourage employers to drop health care coverage for up to 35 million Americans.  And far from creating jobs, the health care law will actually result in 800,000 fewer jobs over the next decade.  It's time to repeal Obamacare and replace it with commonsense, step-by-step reforms that will actually lower costs.


Washington, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), the state's senior U.S. Senator, today joined Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt for a joint press conference on Capitol Hill to speak out against Obamacare.  The press conference immediately followed the conclusion of the U.S. Supreme Court's third day of hearing oral arguments in the case against the President's signature health care legislation.

"Some of us remember back in the 1990s when Hillary Healthcare appeared on the scene," said Inhofe.  "Back then we were able to look at countries like Canada and the U.K. where this type of medical system doesn't work.  I wholeheartedly disagree with those who have the philosophy, like our current President does, that somehow government can run everything better." 

Inhofe has long expressed concern about the cost of Obamacare for individuals, families, and the government.  For two years, he has raised issues with socialized medicine as put forward by this law and has challenged the law's constitutionality.  

During the press conference, Inhofe praised Pruitt saying, "I am very proud of our state's Attorney General.  He has put Oklahoma in a leadership role, and he is working to stop the oppressive things that the government is doing." 

Pruitt said, "I want to commend Senator Inhofe for his leadership on this particular issue.  Two years ago, on the floor of the Senate, he was combating the passage of this bill.  Since that time, he has worked to repeal this bill.  Senator Inhofe has also signed onto three amicus briefs with the courts, two of which were submitted to the Supreme Court.  Senator Inhofe has been a strong opponent of this law, and has served Oklahoma well." 

About Obamacare, Pruitt said, "Two years ago, all across this country, many liberals and conservatives jurists thought the lawsuits brought by the states were frivolous.  Well, the Supreme Court does not take up frivolous lawsuits.  They take up consequential lawsuits.   They recognize that what is at stake in this lawsuit, in this appeal, in this decision is truly liberty and federalism.  It has been an honor to be a part of this process, hear these Justices ask the questions that each of my friends behind me have been asking for two years:  Where are the limitations?   Isn't this unprecedented?  Was it necessary to pass it under the commerce clause?  All these issues have been expressed over the past three days.  I am hopeful that the Supreme Court will uphold our lawsuit and deny the Constitutionality of this law.  Send it back to Congress to make sure when they do healthcare reform, they do it within the confines of the Constitution to preserve liberty and freedom for the individuals and the states."