James E. Clyburn

James E. Clyburn


Rep. Clyburn is the Assistant Democratic Leader, the number three Democrat in the House of Representatives. He represents South Carolina's 6th District.

Washington, DC · http://assistantdemocraticleader.house.gov

Will Bashir at 4pm today. Time for posturing is over. American people voted for action on econ growth, job creation and tax fairness.

Welcome news. Unemployment down, job growth up. need a budget deal to grow econ, create jobs & ask wealthiest 2% to pay their fair share.

Jack Brooks refused to sign the segregationist "Southern Manifesto" in 1956 and helped write the Civil Rights Act of 1964. RIP, Mr. Chairman

House Republicans would be wise to follow the lead of Rep. Cole and give tax cut to 98% of Americans and resolve this mess they created

Democrats embrace our nation's diversity. House Republicans' all-male lineup of committee chairs shows they are woefully out of touch.

Схоже, завантаження займе трохи часу.

Можливо, Твіттер перевантажений, або має тимчасові труднощі. Спробуйте знову, або отримайте більш детальну інформацію про стан Твіттера.