
While Americans Want Jobs, Boehner’s Top Priority: $300 million in Deficit Spending

Congressional Republicans are back in their districts using the one-year anniversary of historic health reform to call for the repeal of patients’ rights and pushing a “So Be It” spending bill that would destroy 700,000 jobs and hamper our economic growth.

As the GOP leadership prepares to come back into session next week – their 13th straight week of not doing anything on jobs – Speaker Boehner plans to bring to the floor his own legislation that moves to privatize public education in the District of Columbia. Speaker Boehner’s bill will increase the deficit by $300 million, includes no offsets and is an ideological effort to recreate a program that was ended years ago because it did not work.

They really couldn’t be more out of touch.

According to a new CBS News poll:

51 percent of Americans say the economy and jobs are the most important problem facing our country today – just 7 percent said the budget deficit and 5 percent said health care.

63 percent say creating jobs should be the priority now compared to 26 percent who said cutting spending. Among independents, 63 percent picked creating jobs and 23 percent said cutting spending.

It’s time for Republicans to stop playing political games with our economic future and with Americans’ health, and join Democrats to create jobs, strengthen the middle class, and responsibly reduce the deficit.

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