Opinion Editorials

  • A Bipartisan Way Forward on Medicare
    December 14, 2011 - Few issues draw more heated partisan rhetoric than the future of Medicare. Seniors are a reliable and powerful voting bloc, and both Republicans and Democrats are guilty of exploiting Medicare to frighten and entice voters. But turning discussions of Medicare's future into the third rail of American... More
  • Getting America out of deep debt
    December 12, 2011 - For three straight years, the U.S. government has run trillion-dollar deficits. In total, the nation has recently surpassed $15 trillion in debt — a number that continues to rise. For nearly 1,000 days, the Democrat-led Senate has refused to write a budget while Washington continues to careen from o... More
  • Line-item veto would help slash wasteful spending
    December 1, 2011 - In Wisconsin, congressional leaders have a long tradition of putting partisanship aside to solve problems. In recent years, I’ve upheld this tradition by teaming with Janesville native and former Democratic Sen. Russ Feingold to advance legislation providing the president with a line-item veto to cu... More
  • Inequality, Opportunity and The American Idea
    November 17, 2011 - The economic hardships brought about by the financial crisis and the weak recovery have reopened our longstanding national debate over the meaning of the proposition that we are all created equal. In the Founders' vision, the self-evident truth of this belief guaranteed all Americans equal rights to... More
  • 900 Days Since Senate Democrats Offered Budget Plan Is National Disgrace
    October 14, 2011 - America is greatly in need of strong, competent leadership. Our nation’s total debt is now larger than our entire economy. Unemployment is painfully high and growth is painfully slow. Since taking office, the president has accelerated Washington’s reckless spending spree, has added trillions of doll... More
  • Solyndra Deal Violates 'Fundamental Laws of Economics'
    September 22, 2011 - This month, as President Obama pressed Congress to pass another misguided “stimulus” proposal, the consequences of the administration’s first $800 billion stimulus law are becoming painfully clear. High unemployment and anemic growth are serving as constant reminders of the president’s broken promi... More
  • Where's Your Budget, Mr. President?
    August 3, 2011 - During the negotiations over raising the debt ceiling, President Obama reportedly warned Republican leaders not to call his bluff by sending him a bill without tax increases. Republicans in Congress ignored this threat and passed a bill that cuts more than a dollar in spending for every dollar it in... More
  • A Response to Gene Sperling
    August 2, 2011 - Moments ago, the President signed into law a significant bipartisan step forward in getting Washington’s fiscal house in order. Relative to the magnitude of our budget challenges, the spending cuts are modest. But judged against Washington’s dismal track record of fiscal stewardship over the years, ... More
  • Health care reform key to tackling debt crisis
    July 31, 2011 - The debate over raising the statutory debt ceiling has accomplished little but revealed much about the unwillingness of many in Washington to face up to our generation’s most pressing challenges. At the heart of the gridlock is a deep disagreement over the role that out-of-control government spendin... More
  • A Step Forward, But Long Journey Remains
    July 26, 2011 - The Budget Control Act takes an important step in the right direction by cutting $1.2 trillion in government spending over the next decade. Critically, it does this without resorting to Senator Reid’s gimmicks and without imposing the president’s preferred tax increases on American families and the ... More

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