
Hal Rogers
Jennifer Hing, House Appropriations Committee Communications Director 202-226-7007

House Approves Fiscal Year 2013 Defense Appropriations Bill

Legislation will provide funding for critical national security programs, the health and safety of U.S. troops, and military operations overseas

Washington, DC, Jul 19 -

The U.S. House today approved the fiscal year 2013 Defense Appropriations bill on a vote of 326-90. The legislation includes funding for critical national security needs, and provides the resources needed to continue the nation’s military efforts abroad. In addition, the bill provides essential funding for health and quality of life programs for the men and women of the Armed Forces and their families. 

In total, the legislation provides $518.1 billion in non-war defense funding, and $87.7 billion for Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) for Defense activities related to the Global War on Terror.
House Appropriations Chairman Hal Rogers praised the legislation.
“This nation – with all the opportunities it provides and the rights it grants – would not be the bastion of freedom it is without the greatest defense system in the world. As we continue to face threats to our safety and way of life, we must deal with the costs of war, keep our military at the ready, and stay constantly vigilant.
“This bill supports and takes care of our troops at the highest level possible, keeps America at the forefront of defense technologies, and boosts key training and readiness programs to prepare our troops for combat and peace-time missions.
“But in this environment of fiscal austerity, we must also recognize that even the Pentagon should not have carte blanche when it comes to discretionary spending. This bill increases oversight and takes a balanced approach to budgeting, making common-sense decisions to cut spending in areas that do not affect the warfighter or our missions,” Rogers said.
For the text of the legislation, please visit: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-112hr5856rh/pdf/BILLS-112hr5856rh.pdf
For the bill report, please visit: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CRPT-112hrpt493/pdf/CRPT-112hrpt493.pdf
For a list of House-adopted amendments to the bill, please visit: http://appropriations.house.gov/UploadedFiles/07.19.12_Defense_Floor_Adopted_Amendments.pdf
