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September 13, 2007: Small Business Conference

Congressman Dan Burton held a Small Business Conference on Thursday, September 13th from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Indiana Wesleyan University Indianapolis Education Center located at 3777 Priority Way South Drive in Indianapolis. Congressman Burton as well as a number of individuals from both the private and public sector were in attendance to help existing and perspective small business owners understand the wide variety of financing options and resources available to them.

Burton stated, “All too often, small entrepreneurs have trouble growing their businesses because they are simply unaware of the many government and private sector resources available to help them.  Small businesses are the backbone of America’s economy and if we are serious about keeping on economy strong we need to do a better job of connecting them to the tools and information they need to expand their operations and create new good paying jobs.  That is what this conference is all about”  Concluded Burton, “I hope that at the end of the day a lot of local small businesses owners will leave the conference with some new ideas about how to grow their companies and that maybe a few Hoosiers thinking about starting a new business will decide to take the chance.”

Congressman Burton's initial announcement of the conference can be found here.