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November 10, 2007: Veterans Benefits Conference

Congressman Dan Burton held a Veterans' Benefits Conference at the Carmel American Legion on November 10th from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Congressman Burton, along with representatives from the U.S. and Indiana Departments of Veterans Affairs, Indiana's VA hospitals and the local Hamilton County Veterans Service Officer will be on hand to help Hoosier veterans and their families understand the resources they have available to them.

Burton stated, "One of the persistent challenges we face in providing benefits to our veterans community is simply communicating to them and their families the existence of benefits they may have earned. In many cases, veterans and their families are simply unaware of the veteran's benefits they are entitled to or the process involved in getting those benefits processed.  In my opinion, this is completely unacceptable.  That is why I decided to hold this Veterans Benefits Conference so that Hoosier veterans and their families can come and ask face-to-face questions about the benefits available to them, and also share with me their concerns, whatever they may be, about the current VA system."

"I am grateful to the Carmel American Legion for hosting this conference" concluded Burton, "and I strongly encourage everyone in the community to come participate in this event."