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How The Law Is Helping People Now


The Affordable Care Act, passed by Congress and signed into law by the President in March 2010, gives you better health security by putting into place comprehensive health insurance reforms that help to hold insurance companies accountable, lower health care costs, guarantee more choice, and enhance the quality of care for all Americans.

The Affordable Care Act builds a bridge to 2014 when a new competitive insurance marketplace will be established where millions of Americans and small businesses will be able to purchase affordable coverage, and have the same choices of
insurance that members of Congress will have. Between now and 2014, parts of the law are beginning to take effect, including new benefits, protections and cost savings. Implementation Center: See how the law is being implemented in your state here.


Recent news on how the law is helping people now:

Rep. Stark Op-Ed in The Fremont Argus: One Year Later: The State of Health Care Reform

New Report Finds Lower Premiums Thanks to Health Reform

Stark, Levin Praise $4 Billion in Funds Recovered From Anti-Fraud Efforts

HHS Report: Health Reform Provides New Protections For As Many As 129 Million Americans With Pre-Existing Conditions Ringing in the New Year with New Health Care Benefits Connecting Kids to Coverage Shedding Light on Insurance Industry Practices

Forbes: More Small Businesses Offering Health Care To Employees Thanks To Obamacare


Watch Congressman Stark discuss how Castro Valley resident Stephanie Blazin is being helped by the health reform law now:






Fighting Republican Repeal


Read Congressman Stark's report: "Dangerous To America's Health: The Republican Plan to Dismantle America's Health Care"


Instead of focusing on job creation, the GOP is focused on repealing patients' rights, putting insurance companies back in charge and ballooning the deficit. Because of patients' rights protections, Americans are free from discrimination and can get the benefits they deserve. The GOP’s health reform repeal bill will put insurance companies back in charge.

Under the GOP repeal bill, right now:

  • Children with pre-existing conditions would be denied coverage;
  • Young people age 26 won't be able to stay on their parents’ plans;
  • Pregnant women and breast and prostate cancer patients could be thrown off the insurance rolls;
  • Seniors would pay more for their drugs;
  • Small businesses would pay higher taxes.

According to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, here’s what the GOP health reform repeal bill means over the long run:

  • $230 billion will be added to the deficit over the first ten years and more than $1.2 trillion in the second decade;
  • 32 million Americans will lose health coverage;
  • Americans will get fewer health benefits for their money;
  • Americans purchasing health insurance on their own will see their costs rise;
  • Health care premiums for Americans getting coverage through large employers will go up.

For information on how the 13th Congressional District would be hurt by the Republican push to repeal, please click here.


Rep. Stark is fighting Republican efforts to repeal health reform:

Amicus brief opposing Republican lawsuit against the health reform law

Stark, Levin Respond to Republican Appointee's Ruling on Health Reform

"Replace" Resolution Isn't Worth The Paper It's Printed On

Stark, Levin Criticize Republicans' Empty Health Reform Resolution

CMS Actuary: H.R. 2 Shortens the Life of Medicare by 12 Years

CBO: GOP's NoCare Plan Explodes The Deficit By More Than $1.2 Trillion


News on repeal efforts:

TPM: Republicans Hide Health Care Law Benefits From Their Constituents

NYT: Awaiting Health Law’s Prognosis

WP: Is this what conservatives are reading about health-care reform?

Politifact: The health care law a "job killer"? The evidence falls short

NYT: The Truth and Consequences of Repeal







A Breakdown Of What's In The Law

The health reform legislation, passed by Congress and signed into law by President Obama in March of 2010, will ensure that all Americans have access to quality, affordable health care and will create the transformation within the health care system necessary to contain costs. The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has determined that it will provide coverage to 32 million more people, or more than 95% percent of Americans, while lowering health care costs over the long term and reducing the deficit by $138 billion through 2019, with $1.2 trillion additional deficit reduction in the following 10 years.

CLICK HERE to see how health care reform will benefit California's 13th District.

How Reform Works For You:
Bill Text:
CBO Score:
Provisions At A Glance:

Consumer Protections/Benefits/Wellness
Shared Responsibility & Affordability
Lowering Costs
Strengthening Medicare
For Businesses
Health Workforce
By Demographic
Paying for Reform

Click herefor a list of more than 325 organizations, representing millions of Americans, who support H.R. 4872.


H.R. 3962: The Affordable Health Care for America Act

The Affordable Health Care for America Act blends and updates the three versions of previous bills passed by the House committees of jurisdiction in July, and embodies President Obama’s key goals for health reform. It will slow the growth in out-of-control costs, introduce competition into the health care marketplace to keep coverage affordable and insurers honest, protect people’s choices of doctors and health plans, and assure all Americans access to quality, stable, affordable health care.

Click here for an analysis of how the Affordable Health Care for America Act will benefit California's 13th District.

The legislation will ensure that 96 percent of Americans will be covered by a quality, affordable health plan. The Congressional Budget Office estimates the cost of expanding coverage at $894 billion, consistent with the $900 billion coverage mark laid out by President Obama. And the legislation will be paid for. CBO estimates the bill reduces the deficit by at least $30 billion over 10 years.

Click here for a list of groups who have endorsed the House health reform bill.




    HR 3961: The Medicare Physician Payment Reform Act

    Simultaneous to the introduction of the health reform legislation, Members also introduced critically important companion legislation, The Medicare Physician Payment Reform Act. The bill replaces Medicare’s broken physician payment formula with a stable system that ends the cycle of deep cuts followed by short-term fixes followed by the threat of ever deeper cuts. The legislation will guarantee that beneficiaries continue to enjoy excellent access to physicians of their choice in Medicare, and complement the additional payment and delivery system reforms in the comprehensive health reform legislation.

    Reforming Medicare’s physician payment formula is a key component of health reform and Rep. Stark is committed to enacting both of these vital bills into law.


    For background material on HR 3200: America's Affordable Health Choices Act, the previous version of this legislation, please click here.