Rep. Farr Statement on Passage of Bush Era Tax Package Print

WASHINGTON, D.C. Congressman Sam Farr today issued the following statement after the House passed the extension of Bush-Era tax policy:


“I am disappointed Congress has opted to extend a Bush-Era tax package that unfairly favors the wealthiest and further sinks our country into debt. This tax package puts more money into the pockets of millionaires and billionaires, while increasing our national debt and forcing us to continue to borrow from China.    


I took a tough vote to close these very loopholes for the wealthiest in 1994, and the results helped our government close our deficit and decrease our debt. It is irresponsible for us to again open these loopholes for the sake of benefiting the wealthiest.


Bottom line: this is not sound policy for our economy and future stability of our country.”


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