An update from Congressman Huelskamp


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October 28, 2012

Dear Friend,

Saturday I had the distinct pleasure of hosting a select group of young men and women who seek to attend our nation’s prestigious military academies. Every year, I have the opportunity to nominate high school students to pursue post-secondary education and training at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, the Naval Academy, the U.S. Air Force Academy, and the Merchant Marine Academy. I want to thank the members of our Military Service Academy Selection Committee who conducted the interviews with our potential nominees and who will make recommendations to me. Committee members include Hamilton Bock, Lori Faerber, Ron Highland, Michael Junk, William Nolan, Marian Nolan, John Pyle, and Larry Salmans. You can read more about each of these individuals here.

Service Academy Nomination Picture

We will announce the names of our nominees soon!

What Happened in Libya? Americans Deserve to Answers.

It seems that every day we learn about more that went wrong the day our Ambassador and three other Americans were assassinated at the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya. We learned this past week that instead of figuring it out two weeks later, the White House received immediately word that the attackers were members of a terrorist organization. We learned from an exclusive news story that the CIA chain of command denied military back-up to the CIA annex during the attack and that CIA operators were instructed to “stand down” instead of helping the personnel at our facility.

Hind-sight may be 20-20, but darn it – this incident happened on September. Clearly, you didn’t have to be a military specialist or a CIA operative to expect something might happen on that day. But nevertheless, the clear facts are that the White House is not coming clean about what they knew and when they knew it. They are being evasive and incomplete with their information, which signals that they have something to hide about the murder of four Americans on sovereign U.S. territory. The American people can handle mistakes. But, we will not handle deception or being outright lied to. My weekly column, entitled “Americans Deserves Answers,” talks about not only the deception of the White House, but about the legislation I have cosponsored to end foreign aid to countries where our embassies come under attack. Read it here.

On the Road

This upcoming week I will travel to Iowa to join my colleague Congressman Steve King, lead sponsor of the “No Hungry Kids Act,” to visit with teachers, parents, and students about the new school lunch mandates. As I have mentioned in previous updates, I have visited several schools across the First District – including Buhler High School just this week – to hear firsthand about the frustrations with the new regulations. I anticipate that I will hear the same complaints when I go to Iowa.

We have been overwhelmed with the support for the “No Hungry Kids Act” in the last six weeks. Be sure to check out the stories that have been written about the legislation and do not forget to “LIKE” the “Nutrition Nannies” Facebook page where people across the country have gathered to get on board with our efforts to undo the mandates.


Tim Huelskamp
Member of Congress

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