
Cynthia Lummis

Representing Wyoming

Contact: Hayley Douglass 202.225.2311

Lummis Remarks on Resolution Honoring the Victims of the Tragic Arizona Attack

WASHINGTON, D.C., Jan 11, 2011 - Click here to view the video.

Thank you Mr. Speaker.

I rise in support of this resolution.

I rise to add the voice of the people of Wyoming to the chorus of unified Americans reaching out in prayer to the victims in Arizona, and to the families of those whose lives were stolen from them.

On January 6th, Representative Gabrielle Giffords took to the floor of this House and eloquently read to us the First Amendment of our Constitution.  She gave her own strong emphasis to the phrase that grants Americans the right to peaceably assemble.

Two days later, she and her constituents had their God-given rights violently taken from them.
In the midst of our national grief, the desire to make sense of the senseless is profound.  We err if we attempt to rationalize what is wholly irrational, and to understand what cannot be understood.  The Apostle Paul writes, “Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror.”

Instead, let us all stand with the gentle lady from Arizona in her time of trial, and in defense of the Constitution which she is striving to uphold.

Let us stand with our 9 year-old daughters who are fostering a budding interest in our representative democracy.

Let us stand with our 76 and 79 year-old mothers and fathers who seek only to forge a relationship with their elected representatives, and to impart a wisdom that comes with long life as a citizen of this country.

And let us stand with our servant leaders of all ages and parties, who spend every day in a passionate effort to better a great nation and a beautiful ideal.

We do them honor if we continue not with idle speculation, but with a renewed commitment to exercising the rights of liberty and freedom.

We begin the long road to healing by fervently praying for peace in our world, peace in our country, and peace in our hearts.

God bless the victims of Saturday’s violence, and their families. God bless America.

And now may the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, and all human misunderstanding, be with us all.

I yield back.

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