
Time for Washington to Wake Up At Last

WASHINGTON (DC) – Congressman Ben Quayle released the following statement after voting against H.J. Res. 117, the House Continuing Appropriations Resolution of Fiscal Year 2013.   

“All too often, the rhetoric we hear in Washington about the need to cut spending is proven hollow and meaningless.  It certainly was revealed as such today.  Instead of taking positive action to get spending under control, Members of Congress from both parties voted to pass a continuing resolution that actually raises spending.  I voted against this new spending, and I wish more of my colleagues had joined me. 

“Our budget deficit is not some remote problem that can be handled some other time.  The consequences of Washington’s spending binge are real, they are tragic, and they are getting worse.  Today’s punt on the opportunity to make meaningful spending cuts is a moral and economic travesty.  It’s time for Washington to wake up at last.” 
