US Rep Joe Donnelly

US Rep Joe Donnelly


U.S. Representative Joe Donnelly's communications staff

I am saddened by the news of horrific violence in Newtown, Connecticut. My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families.

Last week, I enjoyed speaking to members of the Indiana Farm Bureau at their state convention. Here’s a photo.

On this day in 1816, Indiana officially became a state. It’s an honor to serve the people of Indiana.

This morning, I participated in 's annual Toys for Tots collection drive. Here’s a photo from the event.

If you’d like to participate in the Red Cross Holiday Mail for Heroes program, click here for more information:

We must never forget that we enjoy our freedom because of the men and women who have courageously served our nation.

Yesterday, I led a bipartisan group in asking House leadership to bring my AMERICA Works Act up for a vote.

Good luck to Notre Dame graduate Kevin Ford as he prepares to become commander of the International Space Station.

Students interested in applying for a nomination to any US service academy must submit an application by October 31.

I’m hopeful the EPA will rethink its refusal to acknowledge that central Indiana now meets all air quality standards.

I’m disappointed partisan gridlock prevented the House of Representatives from voting on a new Farm Bill.

I’m pleased the U.S. is taking action against China’s unfair trade policies that hurt American workers and products.

I’ve signed a discharge petition to force a vote on the Farm Bill. Hoosier farmers deserve action.

Today, I attended the Farm Bill Now rally because Hoosier farmers can’t afford further inaction on the Farm Bill.

Pemuatan tampaknya berlangsung agak lama.

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