November 16, 2012

Washington, D.C. – Representatives David Price (NC-04) and Joe Pitts (PA-16), co-chairs of the House Moldova Caucus, issued the following statement today after a vote in the House of Representatives to repeal a Soviet-era restriction on trade between the United States and Moldova. Legislation establishing permanent normal trade relations (PNTR) with Russia removes Moldova and Russia from the list of nations subject to the Jackson-Vanik amendment. The amendment, passed in 1974, originally restricted trade between the United States and communist bloc countries.

"We applaud this huge step forward in the U.S.-Moldova relationship. Since declaring its independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, Moldova has emerged as a promising democracy. We believe that efforts like this one will benefit both countries by fostering deeper economic, cultural and institutional ties between the United States and Moldova."

"Today's vote is the culmination of a years-long effort by many in the House who are convinced that both countries will benefit from a more robust friendship. In recent Congresses, we have joined a number of our colleagues pushing to exempt Moldova from Soviet-era Jackson-Vanik trade restrictions. The restrictions required a Presidential exemption be issued each year normalizing trade with Moldova. This created uncertainty and made establishing solid, lasting trade partnerships difficult for exporters and importers on both sides. We are very pleased to see these restrictions lifted as part of broader trade normalization legislation."

Rep. Price also commented on Moldova's unique ties to North Carolina. Rep. Price visited Moldova on a House Democracy Partnership trip to the region. HDP works with parliaments in developing democracies to strengthen their institutional capacities.

"I am particularly pleased that this legislation will further North Carolina's existing Partnership for Peace program with Moldova," Rep. Price said. "Since 1999, our state has worked closely with Moldova to strengthen our ties, from cultural and economic exchanges to our North Carolina National Guard's engagement with their Moldovan counterparts through the Guard's State Partnership Program. This marks an important milestone, and I look forward to our evolving friendship for years to come."

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