March 22, 2012

Washington, D.C. – Earlier today, House Democracy Partnership (HDP) Co-Chairs Representatives David Price (D-NC) and David Dreier (R-CA) met with a delegation from the National Constituent Assembly of Tunisia. The delegation included members of the Assembly, in-country media, and experts on judicial and parliamentary procedure.

The delegation's visit comes as the assembly is immersed in a planned year-long process of drafting a new constitution. Legislators spoke with Reps. Price and Dreier about HDP and related their debates over whether the country should adopt a parliamentary, executive-legislative branch, or mixed political system. The country is regarded as the wellspring of the "Arab Spring" movement, which swept regional dictators from power. Last year, Reps. Price and Dreier led a delegation of HDP members to Tunisia, Egypt and Iraq to meet with local parliamentarians.

"Building a democracy from the ground-up—as these assembly members are tasked with doing—is a huge undertaking," Rep. Price said. "We have been watching their work with great interest as they pursue the goal of crafting a constitution that will ensure every Tunisian has a say in their country's future."


Reps. David Dreier (R-CA) (fourth from left) and David Price (D-NC) (second from right), Co-Chairs of the House Democracy Partnership, with members of the visiting Tunisian delegation in the U.S. Capitol building's House Rules Committee hearing room.

The House Democracy Partnership is a bipartisan commission of the U.S. House of Representatives that works directly with 17 partner countries around the world to support the development of effective, independent, and responsive legislative institutions.

Established by the U.S. House of Representatives in 2005, HDP uses peer-to-peer exchange programs, training seminars for members and staff, and targeted material assistance to build capacity in key areas such as legislative oversight, budget analysis, committee operations, constituent relations, and library and research services. Its singular focus on the legislative branch of government and its unique ability to bring together American legislators and their peers from around the world have made the commission a valuable forum for strengthening democratic institutions and deepening bilateral relations.

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