March 20, 2012

Washington, D.C. – Representative David Price (NC-04) released the following statement today after House Republicans released their budget proposal for fiscal year 2013.

"Last year, House Republicans introduced a budget ending Medicare as we know it, and the American people rejected it. This year's budget is so similar that we can call it Version 2.0 of the Republican plan to end the Medicare guarantee. It again calls for shifting the rising cost of health care onto seniors, while using savings from cutting Medicare and other basic investments in our people to fund lavish tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans.

"In policy area after policy area, this budget is more of the same. In their budget, Republicans abandon any attempt to strengthen the economic recovery, and would in fact undermine it by cutting discretionary spending below the level they agreed to in the Budget Control Act last fall. By going back on their word on the BCA, Republicans have made it clear they intend to set up another manufactured crisis centered on budget brinksmanship this fall.

"The Republican budget matches neither our priorities nor our values. It does not help create jobs. Instead, it calls for cutting investments in education, research, infrastructure and innovation. It does not keep our promises to seniors. Instead, it says 'you're on your own.' It does not take a balanced approach to reducing the deficit and returning to fiscal balance. Instead, it calls for tax breaks for the wealthiest and sacrifice from the middle class, and those trying to reach it, by slashing the investments in our people that ensure our economic competitiveness and success. It is not a wise allocation of our limited resources, and it will do the country long-term harm.

"It is disappointing to see House Republicans continue to completely ignore the need for additional revenue to bring the budget into balance. We will not build a nation where everyone gets a fair shot, everyone does their fair share, and everyone plays by the same rules without investing in our people and returning to tax fairness for the middle class. Republicans' refusal to deal with this reality, and their refusal to make the tough choices needed to preserve the American dream for all our citizens, marks this budget proposal as completely unserious."

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