October 13, 2011

Washington, D.C. - Today, Representative David Price (NC-04) spoke on the floor of the House of Representatives urging House Republicans to pass a bill authorizing an investigation into currency cheating by China, which is destroying jobs in North Carolina. The bill would impose tariffs if China or any other country is found guilty of currency cheating. Even though the bill is bipartisan, with 61 Republican co-sponsors, 235 Republicans voted against the measure yesterday when Democrats brought it to the floor. The Senate has already passed a similar measure. The text and video of Rep. Price's remarks is below.

"China's policy of undervaluing its currency is undercutting American manufacturing and American jobs by giving China an artificial and unfair advantage. In this time of economic uncertainty and high unemployment, we need to take direct, common-sense action to protect the American worker from unfair Chinese trading practices.

"The Senate has passed a bill to investigate currency cheating by China and other countries and to impose tariffs if they're found guilty. Yesterday, Democrats attempted to offer a similar bill—which has 61 Republican co-sponsors—but 235 Republicans voted against it. Moreover, Republican leaders have indicated the Senate bill will never see the light of day if they have their way.

"Speaker Boehner says the fair trade with China bill is 'dangerous.' The American people don't think there's anything dangerous about protecting American workers from schemes that burden our exports, subsidize their imports, and kill jobs. Republican leadership should bring the China currency bill to the floor so the House can give it the bipartisan vote it deserves."

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