On National Day of Prayer, Price Addresses Faith in Public Office PDF Print E-mail
May 05, 2005

Washington, D.C. - Today, US Rep. David Price (NC-04) has released the following statement on today's observance of the annual National Day of Prayer.

"On today's National Day of Prayer, I am struck by the fact that personal faith and political agendas are intertwined more closely now than at any other time in recent history.

"Our country's political discourse and debate are enriched by discussions of the political implications of our faith traditions, whether they are taking place in our communities, at our dinner tables, or in our places of worship. Personal faith can be a powerful force for public good, and it is my hope that many North Carolinians will take this opportunity to reconnect with their faith today.

"I hope today will also serve as a reminder of the humility encouraged by our religious traditions. We have all witnessed the power of religion to exclude and divide, and many have been tempted to identify God's will with their own beliefs. I believe we must seek God's will, never presuming to identify it with our own program or power.

"Honest discussions -- even and perhaps especially on topics about which we disagree -- can help us resist hypocrisy and arrogance. They can also help us live up to the basic ideals, such as liberty and justice for all, on which our country was founded."

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