Price Visits Shelter for Hurricane Katrina Evacuees PDF Print E-mail
September 06, 2005

Raleigh, NC - Talking with a Hurricane Katrina Survivor

Just before returning to Washington today, US Rep. David Price (NC-04) joined Governor Mike Easley and local officials in welcoming Hurricane Katrina evacuees who have been flown to a Wake County shelter.

In addition to expressing support from North Carolinians, Price also called for accountability from the federal government.

"I'm proud that North Carolinians have opened their hearts to these survivors in their time of need," said Price. "From the governor to local leaders, from the National Guard to the universities, and from large and small businesses to ordinary people: we're all trying to do our part to help our fellow citizens during a time of crisis."

Price continued, "I will continue to press this issue back in Washington. As a member of the Appropriations subcommittee that oversees FEMA funding, I will seek a full accounting of the slow response to this disaster and the ways in which the bureaucratization and underfunding of FEMA worsened it, as I have long feared."

Price talked at length to one particular evacuee, who explained that he had swum from his home, which was submerged in 20 feet of toxic water. He made it to the French Quarter, where he was picked up by emergency officials and brought to North Carolina. He continues to look for family members whom he has lost contact with since the storm.

"This gentleman's story is just one of the thousands we're hearing of hope, loss, desperation, and survival," said Price. "They will continue to need our help, long after the water is pumped and the TV crews have left. I'm proud that our state will continue to be part of the effort to help them rebuild their lives."

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