New Report Released on OLF PDF Print E-mail
October 05, 2005

Washington, D.C. - Today, Defenders of Wildlife, a leading nonprofit conservation organization, listed the Pocosin Lakes refuge as one of the 10 most endangered national refuges in the country as a result of the US Navy's decision to build an outlying landing field (OLF) there.

US Rep. David Price (NC-04), a member of the House Appropriations Committee on Military Quality of Life and Veterans Affairs, has been outspoken in asking the Navy to consider alternate North Carolina sites, citing the threats that the proposed OLF would pose to the environment and to wildlife.

"I am glad that Defenders of Wildlife and other organizations are continuing to call attention to the dangers of the Navy's current plan," said Price. "North Carolinians have been raising serious, legitimate concerns about the OLF -- concerns that have been reinforced by the 4th Circuit Court. It's high time that the Navy stop pushing ahead and start working with the state of North Carolina to find an acceptable alternative site."

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