Price on Distorted Iraq Resolution: "...A desperate attempt to keep us from having the debate Americans want us to have." PDF Print E-mail
November 18, 2005

Washington, D.C. - Related Documents

Price-Miller Resolution on Iraq

US Rep. David Price (NC-04) released the following statement about the House Republican Leadership's eleventh-hour decision to schedule a vote on a distorted version of Rep. John Murtha's (D-PA) resolution on Iraq.

"This is a desperate attempt by the Republican leadership to keep us from having the debate Americans want us to have.

"What we need is an honest discussion about how the US was led into war with Iraq – and how we can bring US troops home safely, and in a way that allows Iraqis to take control of their own sovereignty.

"What we do not need is another deplorable stunt by the Republicans who continue to politicize this debate and smear anyone who dares criticize them.

"There's a reason the Republicans won't put forth an honest, responsible resolution that calls for an exit strategy or a timetable, such as the measures voted on by the Senate or the resolution I introduced with Rep. Brad Miller. It's because they're afraid. They're afraid it will pass, and they're afraid that the House will echo the Senate in rebuking the Bush Administration and demanding a correction of our nation's course in Iraq.

"The House Republican leadership should be ashamed. Our troops deserve far better, and so do the American people."

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