Price Responds to Reports About TTA's Regional Rail Project PDF Print E-mail
December 15, 2005

Washington, D.C. - US Rep. David Price (NC-04) issued the following statement this afternoon:

"Recent press reports have suggested that the Triangle Transit Authority's regional rail project may be 'dead.' Based on the latest information I have, that suggestion is not accurate.

"I met personally with the acting administrator of the FTA yesterday, and he told me that FTA wants to work with TTA to bring the Triangle commuter rail project to completion. I am therefore quite surprised a letter sent to TTA by other members of this delegation would indicate otherwise.

"At this time, FTA is waiting for additional information, and I am hopeful that TTA will provide it in short order. Once FTA has all the data, the project will be formally rated. Only then will we know whether the project is eligible for full federal funding. In the meantime, it is the responsibility of elected officials at every level of government to work together in a bipartisan way to facilitate the FTA review process.

"The Triangle will need mass transit in the decades ahead. Highways alone cannot fully address traffic congestion and its impact on our quality of life."

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