Price Taking Lead Role in Holding Bush Accountable PDF Print E-mail
April 28, 2006

Washington Post Highlights Price Intelligence Amendment

Washington, D.C. - U.S. Rep. David Price (NC-04) is part of a core group of lawmakers who are pushing back on the President and his surveillance and intelligence policies that have increasingly come under scrutiny. "In a Congress that is all too willing to let the President do as he pleases without the slightest oversight, a few of us have found select ways to break down the walls of complicity and shed some light on this administration's cavalier actions when it comes to civil liberties and national security policy," Price said.

During a contentious debate on the House floor over the administration's methods regarding the gathering of intelligence, Price was successful in including language in the bill to examine the shadowy practice of contracting intelligence operations to private companies. Price's amendment is featured in a story published by the Washington Post today.

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