Price Calls on Congress to Renew the Voting Rights Act - Says the Measure Must be Passed at Full Strength PDF Print E-mail
July 12, 2006

Washington, D.C. - Rep. David Price (NC-04) took to the floor of the House of Representatives this morning to urge his colleagues to renew the Voting Rights Act (H.R. 9) in its entirety. The law, originally passed in 1965 during the height of the civil rights movement, requires states with a history of voter discrimination to "pre-clear" voting law changes and congressional redistricting plans with the Justice Department. Price cited testimony from election officials throughout the state in support of the law and H.R. 9.

A transcript of Rep. Price's statement is included below. To read the testimony of the General Counsel for the North Carolina State Board of Elections before the Senate Judiciary Committee, which Price quotes in his statement, click here.

The speech aired between 10:30 and 10:37 am EST today on C-SPAN.


Mr. Speaker the Voting Rights reauthorization appropriately carries the names of civil rights pioneers Fannie Lou Hamer, Rosa Parks, and Coretta Scott King.

Along with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act was the major legislative expression of that great movement that inspired and challenged so many of us, whites and blacks alike, and that brought the liberty and justice that our nation professes closer to realization.

Now many Republicans say the voting rights act is too burdensome or that pre-clearance is no longer needed. But listen to the testimony of the North Carolina election officials:

"I would hate to operate without it," says one.

"Pre-clearance requirements are routine and do not occupy exorbitant amounts of time, energy, or resources," adds another.

"The history of 'x' county causes our operations to be scrutinized and rightfully so," says a third official.

And a fourth adds, "[The Voting Rights Act] allows us an opportunity to assure the public that minority rights are being protected...and that someone is independently validating those decisions."

Mr. Speaker the Voting Rights Act works, and we must pass it at full strength.

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