Bloomberg News Reports on Price Legislation to Deport Lawbreaking Illegal Aliens PDF Print E-mail
July 06, 2007

Washington, D.C. - Bloomberg News reported today on legislation authored by Congressman David Price (D-NC), which would direct the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency to focus its deportation efforts on lawbreaking illegal aliens.

As first reported by Price in his Fiscal Year 08 Homeland Security Appropriations bill, the article highlights the federal government's glaring failure to identify and deport hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens who have been incarcerated for serious crimes committed in the US.

Price contends that there should be no higher priority for immigration enforcement than the removal of undocumented individuals who have shown they are a threat to the community, and he included a significant increase in funding for this activity in his bill, along with a clear congressional mandate that ICE make this one of its top priorities.

Read the Bloomberg News Article: US Unable to Deport Most Illegal Immigrants Who Commit Crimes

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