February 23, 2009

Washington, D.C. - U.S. Rep. David Price (D-NC) today participated in President Obama's Fiscal Responsibility Summit, a bipartisan discussion on the nation's long-term budgetary health. Price joined leadership and other Members of Congress from both Houses and both parties, Administration officials, and outside experts in sessions that focused on Social Security, healthcare, tax reform, the budget process, and procurement.

"While the bold and necessary recovery package we recently passed to help boost our struggling economy focused on countercyclical spending, we cannot ignore the growing deficits and debt that will eventually become unsustainable," said Price. "Getting back on the road to balanced budgets will not be easy or painless – especially when you're in as deep a ditch as our current situation. But the experience of the 1990s shows us that it is possible. I look forward to working with President Obama and his administration as we return to fiscal responsibility, particularly on the lasting structural challenges that drew much of today's attention – getting healthcare costs under control and finding equitable reform for our entitlement systems."

Price has long worked for greater fiscal responsibility. A current member of the Appropriations Committee and former member of the Budget Committee, he is the longtime co-chair of the Democratic Budget Group, a weekly forum that explores in depth policy alternatives for pressing economic and other issues. As Chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security, he oversees the budget of a large federal department. A hallmark of his chairmanship has been his work to promote budget discipline and improve financial management at the Department of Homeland Security.

A full list of summit attendees follows.


Secretary of the Treasury, Tim Geithner

Secretary of Transportation, Ray LaHood

Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano

Deputy Secretary of State, Jack Lew

Treasury Department, Gene Sperling

White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel

OMB Director, Peter Orszag

National Economic Council, Larry Summers

Domestic Policy Council, Melody Barnes

Council on Economic Advisors, Christina Romer

Deputy OMB Director, Rob Nabors



Senator Mitch McConnell (R), Minority Leader

Senator Dick Durbin (D), Assistant Majority Leader

Senator Jon Kyl (R), Assistant Minority Leader

Senator Lamar Alexander (R), Republican Conference Chairman

Senator John Cornyn (R), Chairman, National Republican Senatorial Committee

Other Senators (in alphabetical order with Chairs and Ranking Members noted)

Senator Evan Bayh (D)

Senator Max Baucus (D), Chairman of Committee on Finance

Senator Tom Carper (D)

Senator Thad Cochran (R), Ranking Member of Committee on Appropriations

Senator Susan Collins (R), Ranking Member of Committee on Homeland Security

Senator Kent Conrad (D), Chairman of Committee on the Budget

Senator Chris Dodd (D), Chairman of Committee on Banking, Ranking Democrat on HELP

Senator Mike Enzi (R), Ranking Member of Committee on HELP

Senator Lindsey Graham (R)

Senator Judd Gregg (R), Ranking Member of Committee on Budget

Senator Daniel Inouye (D), Chairman of Committee on Appropriations

Senator Amy Klobuchar (D)

Senator Carl Levin (D), Chairman of Committee on Armed Services

Senator Joseph Lieberman (D), Chairman of Committee on Homeland Security

Senator John McCain (R), Ranking Member of Committee on Armed Services

Senator Claire McCaskill (D)

Senator Ben Nelson (D)

Senator Olympia Snowe (R), Ranking Member of Small Business Committee

Senator Arlen Specter (R), Ranking Member of Judiciary Committee



The Honorable Nancy Pelosi (D), Speaker of the House of Representatives

The Honorable Steny H. Hoyer (D), Majority Leader

The Honorable John A. Boehner (R), Minority Leader

The Honorable James E. Clyburn (D), Majority Whip

The Honorable Eric Cantor (R), Minority Whip

The Honorable Thaddeus G. McCotter (R), Chairman of the Republican Policy Committee

The Honorable Chris Van Hollen (D), Chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

Other Members (in alphabetical order with Chairs and Ranking Members noted)

The Honorable Joe Barton (R), Ranking Member of the Committee on Energy and Commerce

The Honorable Allen Boyd (D)

The Honorable Dave Camp (R), Ranking Member of the Committee on Ways and Means

The Honorable Michael N. Castle (R)

The Honorable Raúl M. Grijalva (D)

The Honorable Darrell E. Issa (R), Ranking Member the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

The Honorable Ron Kind (D)

The Honorable Barbara Lee (D), Chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus,

The Honorable Jim Matheson (D)

The Honorable George Miller (D), Chairman of the Committee on Education and Labor

The Honorable David R. Obey (D), Chairman of the Committee on Appropriations

The Honorable David E. Price (D)

The Honorable Tom Price (R), Chairman of the Republican Study Committee

The Honorable Charles B. Rangel (D), Chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means

The Honorable Paul Ryan (R), Ranking Member of the Committee on the Budget

The Honorable Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (D), Chairwoman of the Blue Dog Coalition

The Honorable John M. Spratt (D), Chairman of Committee on the Budget

The Honorable John S. Tanner (D)

The Honorable Ellen O. Tauscher (D)

The Honorable Edolphus Towns (D), Chairman of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

The Honorable Nydia M. Velazquez (D), Chairwoman of the Committee on Small Business

The Honorable Henry A. Waxman (D), Chairman of the Committee on Energy and Commerce

Community Leaders and Stakeholders Also Attending

(in alphabetical order by organization name)

Bill Novelli, AARP

John Gage, AFGE

John Sweeney, AFL-CIO

Gerry McEntee, AFSCME

Randi Weingarten, AFT

Ed Coyle, Alliance for Retired Americans

Kevin Hassitt, American Enterprise Institute

Richard Umbdenstock, American Hospital Association

Nancy Neilson , American Medical Association

Becky Patton, American Nurses Association

Karen Narasaki, Asian American Justice Center (AAJC)

Dr. Ho Tran, Asian Pacific Islanders American Health Forum (APIAHF)

Gary Flowers, Black Leadership Forum

Eleanor Hinton Hoytt, Black Women's Health Imperative

Alice Rivlin, Brookings Institution

John Castellani, Business Roundtable

Roger Hickey, Campaign for America's Future

John Podesta, Center for American Progress

Larry Korb, Center for American Progress

Dean Baker, Center for Economic and Policy Research

Joe Minarek, Center for Economic Development

Robert Greenstein, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Anna Burger, Change to Win

Maya MacGuinneas, Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget

Karen Davis, Common Wealth Fund

Bob Bixby, Concord Coalition

Maya Rockeymoore, Congressional Black Caucus Foundation

Doug Elmendorf, Congressional Budget Office

Marty Ford, Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities

Lawrence Mishel, Economic Policy Institute

Ron Pollack, Families USA

Ellie Smeal, Feminist Majority

Stewart Butler, Heritage Foundation

Bill Spriggs, Howard University

Joe Salomonese, Human Rights Campaign

John Cavanagh, Institue for Policy Studies

Heidi Hartmann, Institute for Women's Policy

Drew Altman, Kaiser Family Foundation

Douglas Holtz-Eakin, McCain Economic Advisor

Hilary Shelton, NAACP

Todd Stottlemyer, National Association of Independent Businesses

Barbara B. Kennelly, National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare

Jackie Johnson Pata, National Congress of American Indians

Janet Murguia, National Council of La Raza

Marc Morial, National Urban League (NY)

Dennis Van Roekel, NEA

David Walker, Peter G. Peterson Foundation

Peter Peterson, Peter G. Peterson Foundation

Al From, Progressive Policy Institute

Andy Stern, SEIU

Fred Goldberg, Skadden

Roger Ferguson, TIAA-CREF CEO

Martin Regalia, U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Fernando Torres-Gil, UCLA

Robert Reischauer, Urban Institute

Michael Graetz, Yale

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