October 15, 2009

Washington, D.C. - Today, Congressman David Price, the chairman of the House Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee, secured final House passage of his bill to fund U.S. homeland security efforts for the next year. The House passed the bill by a 307-114 vote, a strong, bipartisan margin of approval. The legislation appropriates more than $42 billion to fund the operations of all programs administered by the Department of Homeland Security.

"The security of this nation is priority number one," Rep. Price said. "This bill includes strong investments to keep the American people safe, and I am pleased to count it among my most important accomplishments as a member of Congress."

As the chairman of the appropriations subcommittee, Price was responsible for drafting and shepherding the bill through the legislative process. In discussions with fellow House members, and during House-Senate conference negotiations resolving differences between both chambers' bill, Price served as lead negotiator.

"Passing this bill and giving our homeland security professionals the resources they need is a credit to the hard work done by all the members of my subcommittee," Price said. "We had to navigate some choppy waters to see this through, including on contentious issues like immigration and the handling of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. Fortunately, in the end, a rational approach that preserves American values and national security interests carried the day."

Price negotiated a compromise on provisions restricting the movement of Guantanamo Bay detainees in the legislation. The legislation preserves the Obama Administration's flexibility to bring detainees to trial in the United States, with requirements that the Administration provides a risk mitigation plan and advance notice to Congress and the destination state. It also requires greater transparency on the movement to detainees to other countries, and prevents their release in the United States and its territories.

"The Guantanamo Bay detention facility is a stain on our reputation around the world, and an affront to one of this country's founding beliefs: that those who do wrong, no matter how evil, can be brought to justice under the rule of law," Rep. Price said. "We must close Guantanamo, and this bill will allow the administration to move toward final resolution of the cases of the remaining detainees."

The underlying bill boosts efforts to increase the security along our borders. There are additional investments to combat the violence, drug smuggling and weapons smuggling currently occurring on our Southwest Border. In addition, the bill invests in improving aviation security, port security and transit security. Among the many important programs, these funds will be used to purchase and install the latest explosive detection systems at airports nationwide and develop and deploy systems to screen cargo containers for weapons and nuclear materials.

"This legislation prepares our nation for 21st century security challenges," said Rep. Price. "It allows us to better prevent threats and attacks, prepare and plan for emergencies, and enhance our response capacities within our communities."

The legislation provides first responders with the equipment and training they need to maintain public safety. It includes over $3 billion in grants for local municipalities to protect critical infrastructure in high-threat areas, help local fire departments and upgrade central command facilities.

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