November 06, 2009

Washington, D.C. - Earlier this year, Representative David Price distributed a district survey to over 350,000 households as a part of his summer newsletter. The district newsletter, which is distributed annually, updates constituents on Rep. Price's work in Congress, and legislation that will soon come before the body.

Constituent responses indicated strong support for health insurance reform and efforts to address global warming. Results are tabulated below.

1. What is your general perspective on our health insurance system?

56% Major Changes are needed

27.1% Changes should be made cautiously and incrementally

7.8% Very few changes are advisable

8.8% Other

2. Do you have personal health insurance coverage and, if so, how do you feel about it?

39.4% Have coverage, very satisfied

40.1% Have coverage, believe it could be improved

10.6 % Have coverage, dissatisfied

3.5% Do not have coverage

5.8% Other

3. Which of the following elements of health insurance reform do you favor (pick all that apply)?

75.5% Forbid insurance companies from denying coverage because of an applicant's medical history

49.2% Require all individuals to obtain insurance, to lower costs for everyone and achieve universal coverage

45.5% Require mid-sized and large businesses to cover their employees or pay into a fund to help cover the uninsured

67.3% Provide subsidies and/or tax breaks to small businesses and individuals of modest income to help them afford coverage

55.9% Establish a publically-administered insurance plan as an option to increase choice and competition with private plans

48.2% Reimburse health care providers for patient health outcomes as well as for specific services, in order to reduce unnecessary procedures, control costs, and improve results

4. The Bush tax cuts for people making over $250,000 per year are scheduled to expire next year. What should Congress do?

22.2% Make the tax cuts permanent

37.9% Allow the cuts to expire on schedule, and use the money for investments like economic development, health care, education and transportation

31.5% Allow the cuts to expire on schedule, and use the money to pay down the national debt

7.2% Other

5. How serious a problem is global warming for our environment and society?

59.8% A major threat

16.3% A minor threat

13.8% No threat

9.0% Other

6. Which of the following elements of clean energy legislation do you favor (pick all that apply)?

66.2% Reduce the use of fossil fuels compared to renewable and other non-polluting sources of energy

54.8% Set overall limits on greenhouse gas pollution and use market-based incentives to reduce industry emissions

79.5% Increase research and development of alternative energy sources

68.8% Provide financial incentives to conserve energy for homeowners, car owners, and businesses

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