January 13, 2010

Washington, D.C. - Today, Representatives David Price (D-NC) and David Dreier (R-CA) released the following statement addressing the tragic earthquake in Haiti. Reps. Price and Dreier serve as the Chairman and Ranking Member of the House Democracy Partnership, which partners with legislatures in developing democracies. HDP has partnered with Haiti's legislature since 2007 on a variety of good government projects.

"Our deepest condolences and heartfelt prayers are with the people of Haiti today as they confront this profound tragedy. While the extent of the devastation is still becoming clear, President René Préval has called the human toll 'unimaginable,' and all reports indicate that we have not witnessed a catastrophe of these proportions in our hemisphere in some time.

"As the Chairman and Ranking Member of the House Democracy Partnership, we have had the privilege of working closely with the Haitian Parliament for the last several years to strengthen its effectiveness as an institution, and we have come to know many of its members and staff on a personal level. As the Parliament building lies in ruins, with leaders including Senate President Kely Bastien reportedly trapped in the rubble, our thoughts are with these members and staff and their families. While our hearts are heavy, the many dedicated public servants with whom we have worked give us hope that Haiti's recovery will be in good hands.

"We call on the United States and the international community to respond swiftly, decisively, and compassionately to provide immediate humanitarian relief to the earthquake victims and their families and to help the government of Haiti rebuild its country. We also call on any concerned citizen with the means to do so to contribute to the relief and recovery effort. To find out more about how to help, visit"

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