July 20, 2010

Washington, D.C. - Today, Rep. David Price issued the following statement assailing Senate Republicans for using the filibuster to delay the passage of legislation extending unemployment benefits three times in recent weeks. Approximately 10,800 Tar Heel state residents have already lost unemployment benefits because of these tactics.

"On economic, fiscal, and moral grounds, Republicans' obstruction of unemployment benefits is thoroughly indefensible. Their objection that the funds are not offset is phony and hypocritical: these are the same people who voted for trillions of dollars in tax cuts and new spending without offsets under President Bush—and didn't bat an eye.

"We have to get the economy back to full strength and chart a course to fiscal balance. Extending unemployment benefits is consistent with both of those goals. This issue is fundamentally about whose side you're on, and Senate Republicans have failed to put middle class Americans first."

Democratic Senators succeeded in advancing the legislation today, overcoming the long-standing Republican filibuster on a 60-40 vote only after the swearing in of Sen. Carte Goodwin (D-WV). The Senate is expected to complete consideration of the measure tomorrow, when it will be returned to the House for a final vote. Rep. Price will vote in favor of the legislation in the House.

Amidst the delays, influential economists have weighed in on the importance of these benefits in stimulating the economy. Mark Zandi, a former economic advisor for Arizona Republican Senator John McCain's presidential campaign and the chief economist at Moody's Analytics, has touted unemployment benefits as one of the most efficient ways to maintain economic demand. He estimates that each dollar the government spends on unemployment benefits generates $1.61 in economic growth. Analysis from the Congressional Budget Office confirms the positive impact of unemployment benefits on the economic recovery.

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