May 05, 2011

Washington, D.C. - Yesterday, Rep. David Price (D-NC) joined House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (D-MD) and House Democrats in unveiling the "Make It In America" agenda for the 112th Congress. The agenda supports job creation today and in the future by encouraging businesses to innovate in the US, by strengthening our infrastructure and by supporting investments in key areas like education and clean energy. The agenda builds on House Democrats' efforts to create jobs, grow the economy and cut wasteful spending.

"'Make It In America' is based on the belief that when we make more products in America, more families are able to Make It In America," said Rep. Price. "Clean energy, research, education and infrastructure are going to drive the innovation we need to strengthen this recovery and ensure the United States wins the future. The 'Make It In America' agenda is aimed at securing our long-term competitiveness. Democrats are committed to making sound investments in our ability to out-educate, out-innovate and out-build our competitors."

Rep. Price plans to introduce his American Textile Technology Innovation and Research Exportation (ATTIRE) Act soon as Democrats continue to roll-out their job creation agenda. The bill will support innovation and research in the U.S. textile industry through a competitive grant program administered by the Department of Commerce. University-based and non-profit research institutions seeking to bolster growth in the textile industry would be eligible to compete for the funds. The $60 billion dollar a year American textile industry employs over 500,000 workers across the country.

"People want Congress to create jobs, not pursue an extreme and divisive social agenda," Rep. Price said. "Republicans have been in charge for 120 days without bringing up a single jobs bill. The only major initiative Republicans have outlined is a budget that ends Medicare as we know it to pay for tax breaks for the wealthy and oil companies."

The "Make It In America" agenda addresses a range of issues that all help to create an environment where manufacturers and small businesses can expand and create jobs here. Make It in America bills include:

National Infrastructure Development Bank Act: Establishes a wholly-owned government corporation to facilitate efficient investments in and financing of infrastructure projects—from leading-edge broadband networks and energy delivery systems to modern ports—that foster economic development and keep America competitive.

Permanent R&D Tax Credit: Make permanent and expand the Research and Development Tax Credit so research investments can draw capital that create tomorrow's jobs. This tax credit is critical to many Triangle based firms.

Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs: Ensure that the nation's small, high-tech, and innovative businesses are a significant part of the federal government's research and development efforts.

Small Business Start-up Savings Accounts: Establishes tax-preferred savings accounts for small business start-up savings accounts.

Clean Energy Technology Manufacturing and Export Assistance Act: Establishes a Clean Energy Technology Manufacturing and Export Assistance Fund, to be administered through the International Trade Administration, to ensure that U.S. clean energy technology firms have the information and assistance they need to be competitive and to create clean energy technology sector jobs.

Workforce Investment Act: Our economy is only as strong as the people who work to grow it. The American workforce investment system is supported by a partnership of educators, workforce development professionals and the business community who work together to ensure the vitality of local economies. A robust reauthorization of WIA will ensure that workers who seek opportunities in a new field or new opportunities within their own field have the support they need.

STEM Education: To strengthen American innovation, create the industries of the future, and ensure that our kids have the skills they need to fill well-paying jobs in those industries, we must invest in outstanding science, technology, engineering, and math education.

o Ensure that states develop rigorous core standards in science, to complement standards in math and reading

o Help interested science, technology, engineering, and math professionals enter teaching careers

o Build community partnerships to create externship opportunities for students

o Promote careers in manufacturing for high school students

o Fully fund STEM education provisions in the America COMPETES Act to strengthen manufacturing education, increase STEM career opportunities for women and minorities

Since launching the "Make It In America" agenda in the previous Congress, President Obama has signed six "Make It In America" bills into law:

U.S. Manufacturing Enhancement Act: Makes it cheaper for American companies to obtain the materials they need to manufacture goods.

Protecting American Patents: Helps unclog the backlog of 1.2 million patent applications so innovative ideas can move to market more quickly.

Preventing Outsourcing: Prevents the outsourcing of U.S. jobs by closing tax loopholes that encourage companies to send U.S. jobs overseas.

Small Business Jobs Act: Expands much needed lending to millions of small businesses and offers tax incentives to help small businesses grow, hire, and fuel our economy, without adding a dime to the deficit.

Energy Jobs and Training for Veterans Act: Provides grants for programs to provide on-the-job training, apprenticeship, real experience, and long-term employment in all energy fields.

COMPETES Act: Establishes innovative technology federal loan guarantees for small- and medium-sized manufacturers and invests in science, technology, engineering, and math education.

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