Securing Our Borders

Feinstein bill helps combat illegal border tunnels.

Repealing Defense of Marriage Act

Feinstein bill ends discriminatory law, gives same-sex couples same rights as all married couples.

Banning Dangerous Chemicals in Baby Products

Feinstein bill will make it illegal to manufacture, import or sell baby products with the chemical BPA.

Overseeing U.S. Intelligence Community

As Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Feinstein has critical oversight of CIA, NSA and other national security agencies.

Protecting California’s Mojave Desert

Feinstein’s California Desert Protection Act balances need to protect California desert with development of suitable lands.

Making Health Insurance More Affordable

Feinstein is working to block unreasonable hikes in the cost of health insurance.

Restoring Lake Tahoe

Feinstein plan will combat invasive species, improve water clarity, reduce wildfire threat and restore environment.

Supporting California Agriculture

Feinstein is working to create a stable, legal workforce for California’s farms.