Jeff Flake | Congressman Arizona’s Sixth District

Press Releases

Contact: Genevieve Frye Rozansky 202-225-2635
Congressman Flake Introduces Bill to Prevent Use of Taxpayer Funds to Promote Obamacare

Spending Millions Promoting a Bill that Most Americans Want to See Repealed Is Wasteful and Irresponsible

Washington, D.C., Jun 5 - Republican Congressman Jeff Flake, who represents Arizona’s Sixth District, today introduced H.R. 5894, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Education and Outreach Campaign Repeal Act of 2012. The bill eliminates Section 4004 of Obamacare, which provides for “education and outreach,” or advertising campaigns, about the law.

          The impetus for H.R. 5894 came from a recent PR Week article, which highlighted a $17.6 million Health and Human Services (HHS) contract to a public relations firm for a national multimedia education campaign to promote Obamacare. H.R. 5894 will rescind any unobligated funds from Section 4004 that would be used for future promotional efforts and will repeal the section outright.  

          "Spending millions of dollars promoting a bill that most Americans want to see repealed is wasteful and particularly irresponsible given our current fiscal crisis,” said Flake. “The Administration shouldn’t be wasting millions of taxpayer dollars bragging about an unpopular law when we’re $15.7 trillion in debt.”


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