Congressman Todd Akin Missouri's 2nd District
William Bradford PDF Print

William_Bradford_1729-1808"Thus out of small beginnings greater things have been produced by His hand that made all things of nothing, and gives being to all things that are; and, as one small candle may light a thousand, so our light here kindled hath shone unto many, yea in some sort to our whole nation; let the glorious name of Jehovah have all the praise." (Of Plymouth Plantation, 1647)


William Bradford was the second Governor of the Plymouth settlement in Massachusetts. He was a co-author and signer of the Mayflower Compact. 


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Timeless Principles

Thomas Jefferson

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"Our peculiar security is in the possession of a written Constitution.  Let us not make it a blank paper by construction." (letter to Wilson Nicholas, 1803.) --- Thomas Jefferson co-wrote and signed the Declaration of Independence. He was the third President of the United States.