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Rep. Deutch Urges UN Secretary General to Deliver Clear Message to Iran During Tehran Trip

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Washington, Aug 29 - Congressman Ted Deutch (D-FL), a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and Congressman Gregory Meeks (D-NY), the ranking member of the Foreign Affairs Committee Subcommittee on Europe, have sent a letter to United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon calling on him to use his visit to Tehran for the Non-Aligned Movement Conference to deliver a strong message to the Iranian regime that the international community does not accept its illicit nuclear weapons program. The letter also calls on the Secretary General to meet with pro-democracy activists in Iran during his stay and make clear that the international community condemns the regime’s repression of its own people and its continued financial support for Syrian President Assad's brutal assault on the people of Syria. 

“It is critical that you use your visit only to deliver a strong message to the regime: the international community does not condone the regime’s illicit quest for nuclear weapons and condemns both its ongoing support of terrorists around the world and its use of force to brutally repression the Iranian people,” write Reps. Deutch and Meeks. “Secretary General Ban, your position with the United Nations gives you a powerful voice in world affairs.  We implore you to use it to deliver a crystal clear message to the Iranian regime that it must live up to its international obligations and abide by international law.”

View the complete letter here. 

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