Social Security
Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Last year, House Republicans advanced a positive plan to improve and strengthen Medicare, letting individuals choose a personalized health care plan that best fits their needs. Our efforts were quickly met with demagoguery and Democrat insistence that "House Republicans voted to end Medicare." The political efforts of Democrats in Washington were both misleading and unfounded, and PolitiFact has named their efforts the "Lie of the Year!" To read the complete report click here.

Unfortunately, Americans face the greatest spending-driven debt crisis that we have ever seen. The national debt of the United States has surpassed $15 trillion. Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid alone did not create this debt problem, but they are key players in the ever-growing federal deficit.

On April 5, 2011, Republicans introduced our FY2012 budget or "Path to Prosperity "which reduces spending by bringing government agency budgets back to pre-2008 levels.

Under our plan starting in 2022, those under 55, now who become new Medicare beneficiaries can, like Members of Congress, choose a plan that works best for them from a list of guaranteed coverage options. Medicare will subsidize premium payments to the plan chosen by the beneficiary. This plan will also provide more assistance for lower-income beneficiaries and those with greater health risks. It is important to know the Medicare program would not change for those currently on the program or for those soon to be on it. No changes will be made for Americans 55 years of age and older. This plan proposes no cuts to Social Security and Medicare, while President Obama's healthcare reform cut $500 billion from Medicare.

I want to protect those that depend on Social Security and Medicare. Right now, the Republican budget is the only serious proposal out there that protects them. It is disappointing that some of my colleagues are using scare tactics to frighten seniors rather than actually solving the problems that affect all Americans.

I have spoken to hundreds of seniors throughout South Texas about Medicare and Social Security. Most seniors feel they have paid into the system and they expect the benefits they were promised. I agree. We cannot balance our budget on the backs of our seniors.