WASHINGTON, D.C – Energy and Commerce Committee Vice Chair Diana DeGette (D-CO) today joined Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman John D. Dingell (D-MI) and Commerce, Trade, and Consumer Protection Subcommittee Chairman Bobby Rush (D-IL) in introducing comprehensive consumer protection legislation, the Consumer Protection Modernization Act of 2007, and applauded their efforts. 

“I am very pleased to join Chairmen Dingell and Rush in introducing this important piece of legislation aimed at protecting the health of the American consumer,” said DeGette. “The children of this country are being assaulted with tainted products entering their home. This legislation takes the first of many steps in reforming our out-dated system by beefing up the authority and resources of the Federal agency charged with ensuring the safety of our products.

“This vital legislation compliments legislation I have already introduced, the SAFE Consumer Product Act, which also makes critical investments in the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CSPC) and outlines measures needed to protect the products our children play with. I look forward to working with Chairman Dingell to enact legislation that best protects our children and families.”

DeGette and Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) have introduced the SAFE Consumer Product Act [H.R. 3691], legislation that takes critical steps to ensure the toys our children play with are safe by strengthening the authority and staff of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), including new requirements that all children's products be certified as having met rigorous product safety standards by independent third party laboratories. It also gives the CPSC enhanced authority to recall tainted toys and bans lead in children’s toys.