Consumer Product Bill Clears Hurdle

DeGette Praises Energy and Commerce Committee Approval Clearing Way for Full House Consideration


WASHINGTON, D.C. – With Holiday shopping at full throttle, the House Committee on Energy and Commerce today approved comprehensive consumer product safety legislation – H.R. 4040, the Consumer Product Modernization Act of 2007. Energy and Commerce Committee Vice Chair Diana DeGette, an original cosponsor of the legislation, applauded its approval saying, “Congress is taking critical steps in ensuring the safety of the American consumer.”

“As American consumers rush to finish their Holiday shopping, today Congress made a strong start towards protecting Americans from defective products we bring into our homes. As public confidence eroded in our federal agencies tasked with the mission of ensuring the safety of our products, the Majority responded promptly by developing comprehensive consumer product safety legislation that beefs up the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), bans lead in toys, and requires independent, third-party testing of consumer products.

“While it is imperative the CPSC have the tools and resources to carry out its mission, Congress is moving quickly to strengthen its authority and restore public confidence. Having introduced my own legislation in September, H.R. 3691, the SAFE Consumer Product Act, that addressed the failures of the CPSC, I am proud to have worked with the Committee to adopt many of the provisions I outlined.

“The consumer product safety legislation approved unanimously today by my Committee is a move in the right direction for both the American consumer and the products they purchase.”

The measure must now be considered by the full House of Representatives.