DeGette Comments On Earth Day

WASHINGTON – In recognition of Earth Day tomorrow, U.S. Rep. Diana DeGette (D-CO), Vice Chair of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, released the following on the state of our environment and our stewardship of Planet Earth:

"In the 38 years since Earth Day was founded, the need to protect our planet has never been more widely recognized. While we have made great strides in cleaning our air, water, and creating more livable communities, much work still needs to be done. Our planet still faces increased challenges through global climate change, the loss of important wildlife habitat, and increased threats to our wilderness areas from runaway natural gas drilling in the West. 

"The U.S. Congress has sounded the alarm and passed legislation to invest in renewable energy and efficiency programs, and raise the vehicle fuel efficiency standards to 35 mpg, as well as conducted important hearings on climate change. I have also introduced the Colorado Wilderness Act that aims to balance energy development with protecting Colorado’s wild areas. Together we can honor and celebrate Earth Day as we work to create a clean energy economy that can be sustained by our fragile planet."