DeGette Recreational Ski Area Bill Passes House

WASHINGTON, DC - Late last night Congresswoman Diana DeGette (CO-1) led the House of Representatives in adopting the Ski Area Recreational Opportunity Enhancement Act of 2009.  DeGette was the original sponsor of the legislation, which went to the floor of the House with bi-partisan support.

"In my home state of Colorado, outdoor activities such as skiing, snowboarding, mountain biking, and hiking are an intrinsic part of our everyday lives," said DeGette.  "I was proud to bring this bill to the floor to expand recreational opportunities for Americans to enjoy the pristine natural environments in my state and others that are home to many of our nation’s ski resorts.  I look forward to the Senate taking up this bill in the near future, under the leadership of my Senate partner on this bill, Mark Udall." 

The bill updates the Ski Area Permit Act of 1986, enabling the Forest Service to permit appropriate summer or year-round activities for ski areas.  It will also expand the Act to include snow sports such as snowboarding, which currently accounts for roughly one-third of all ski area visits. 

"The original law no longer reflected the way people take advantage of the outdoor opportunities at ski areas," said DeGette.  "This bill garnered bi-partisan support because of its recreational and environmental benefits, as well as its economic ones.  Year-round recreational activity will provide substantial benefits to our local economies, and help create stable jobs in the thirteen states that are currently home to ski resorts on public land."  
