Tax Scrutiny Part III

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The IRS National Taxpayer Advocate recently released its annual report to Congress.  In addition to addressing time and money spent complying with the enormous tax code, the report also acknowledges that it's a challenge for the IRS to administer benefits programs, including the new health care law.

 The report notes that the IRS's mission has been to collect taxes, but in recent years Congress has made the IRS administer an "increasing number of social benefits programs, including Economic Stimulus Payments, the First-Time Homebuyer Credit, and the Making Work Pay Credit. The recent directive to administer major aspects of the new health care law will add significantly to the IRS's workload."

The IRS must administer four major parts of the new health care law, including penalties for individuals who fail to get insurance, penalties for small businesses that fail to provide insurance, premium assistance credits and a small business tax credit.

The report says the IRS is capable of administering health care provisions, but with a caveat.   It states that it's "essential that the IRS revise its current mission statement to also reflect its role as social benefits administrator. As a result, the IRS can propose separate budget requests for benefits programs rather than having to divert resources from traditional enforcement activities. The IRS should also consider realigning its organizational structure to effectively administer these programs in an effective and efficient manner.  Such restructuring should involve the creation of a program office to work social program issues exclusively."


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