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Energy has always been at the core of Pennsylvania’s economy. The Pennsylvania coal mining industry is the largest in the nation, having employed thousands of workers throughout our history. As technology continues to evolve, we are working to ensure that Pennsylvania stays at the forefront of the energy market. With the help of grants from the Department of Energy and regional partnerships, we are continuing our research on carbon sequestering technology. Additionally, Pennsylvania now is the second largest producer of nuclear energy, and it accounts for 36% of Pennsylvania’s energy output.

Green energy technologies continue to grow, which will allow us to better leverage traditional sources of energy, as well as protect and create new jobs by investing in new energy sources. To date Pennsylvania has received over $200 million from the Department of Energy towards developing green energy sources, which include developing solar, wind and biomass  technologies. I firmly believe that growing our economy through investment in affordable energy and protecting our environment and citizens are compatible goals.  

My responsibility as a representative is to ensure that the energy we produce remains affordable to consumers.  I look forward to representing my constituents while looking out for their needs and also working with both the federal government and local corporations to ensure that Pennsylvania will continue to be a leader in our nation when it comes to energy.