
A Visit to Boomtown
October 26, 2012  - What will pull our economy into recovery? Contrary to the Obama administration’s dreamy pronouncements, it’s not windmills, solar panels, or other forms of “clean energy.” These heavily subsidized industries may eventually produce abundant energy, but that day is far in the future. For now, the 5 mi...More

Kickstarting the economy through business tax reform
October 12, 2012  - Tinkering with tax rates on business is not enough; we need to replace the entire business tax code with a new system that dramatically boosts economic growth. My proposal for a business tax overhaul appears in the Washington Post today.More

Obama Administration "Resets" Relations with Mexico
October 2, 2012  - Univision, the Spanish-language TV network, is reporting that a massacre by a Mexican drug cartel involved U.S. weapons trafficked to Mexico through the Obama administration’s Fast and Furious gun-walking operation. Meanwhile, here’s a short analysis by the Heritage Foundation of my suggestion in Na...More

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